Road Racing (RR)
Road Racing is a form of cycle racing where you compete in a group on either closed circuit or open roads, with the first to cross the line being deemed the winner. It’s not always the strongest rider who wins, so tactics, teamwork and a keen sense of what is going on around you are essential.
About Road Racing
RNC will be focusing on more Road Races from 2024 and beyond, so here are a few pointers for those who intend racing for the first time.
You must be a current member of a Cycling Club that is affiliated to British Cycling. For you that is RNC. If you have not joined the club or your membership has run out then update it soonest.
Full Race Licence
If you are planning on taking part in a competitive bike race, then you will need to add on a Full Race Licence while purchasing your Membership, particularly if you are going to be doing road or track racing.
You will also need a Full Race Licence to earn points in any National or Regional rankings. As a general rule, the higher the standard of race, the more likely it is that you will need to buy a Full Race Licence with your membership.
You can apply for a British Cycling Licence via this link:

Provisional Race Licence
A Provisional Race Licence comes free with all Race Gold, Race Silver and Race Bronze memberships and is enough to get you into most BMX, Cyclo Cross, Cycle Speedway and MTB races. To be sure, check with the event organiser beforehand (Please note: If you race on a provisional licence you will not be eligible for any licence points). If you are a Ride member you won’t be riding competitively right now, so your membership does not include any type of Race Licence.
Purchase can be made online in addition to the purchase of a Race Silver or Race Gold membership. To add a Race Licence to an existing membership call the membership team on 0161 274 2010.
A few pointers…
- When you apply, ensure that your first claim club is noted as RNC on your application. This can be done on line. On receipt of a successful application, your licence will be sent direct to you by post.
- Race entries normally range from £10.00 – £30.00 for local races and £25.00 upwards for higher prestige races. Entries are only accepted on a formal BC entry form and if entering team events the additional team form is to be submitted as well.
- Entries for races normally close about 2 weeks in advance, but some lower priority races may accept entries on the day. Check the BC events list for full details.
- If representing the RNC, then you must wear the designated club colours.
- Road Racing categories are calculated on accumulated points through the season. You will start out as a 4th cat, then aim to become 3rd, 2nd, 1st and finally Elite. It only takes 12 points to go from 4th to 3rd Cat, but more points are required for each category thereafter. The amount of points awarded from 1st place onwards is dictated by the status (National or Regional) and distance (Band) of each event. Some local races will only have 3/4 cats or 2/3/4 cats, so you have more chance of finishing in the points and some are designated as E/1/2 only. Your licence will state your current category and the BC Rankings are updated on a weekly basis. If you move up a category, you will then receive a new licence.
- Races vary from 20 miles (Circuit Race) up to 100 miles (Road Race).